Thursday, February 28, 2013

Random Thoughts....

Regarding THIS new study published by The New England Journal of Medicine and reported HERE discussing the positive effects of the Mediterranean Diet. 

Cliff notes version: "About 30 percent of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease can be prevented in people at high risk if they switch to a Mediterranean diet.."

1. If the participants experienced an almost 30 percent reduction in risk by simply changing their diet DESPITE "already taking statins or blood pressure or diabetes drugs to lower their heart disease risk", while according to THIS article should only expect LESS THAN 1% change in A1C and a measley -2.6 mmHg to -4.4 mmHg change in blood pressure due to of these aforementioned might be tempted to ask themselves:


2. Maybe things like cholesterol levels and blood pressure in and of themselves aren't all that great predictors of heart disease risk in the first place?!?!

3. "And the really important thing, the coolest thing, is that they used very meaningful end points. They did not look at risk factors like cholesterol or hypertension or weight. They looked at heart attacks and strokes and death. At the end of the day, that is what really matters."

Seems logical to me. If only more 'scientists' did this we might actually get somewhere. Results matter - not personal bias and the opportunity to obtain grant funding.

4. "Low-fat diets have not been shown in any rigorous way to be helpful, and they are also very hard for patients to maintain."

Duh. Clearly.

5. A Mediterranean diet is "rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables."

READ: REAL FOOD. Un-processed. No laundry list of ingredients one can't spell or pronounce.

Who would of thought such a thing would have a positive impact on your health?!?!



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXIII: Lower Back Pain

Some reports suggest that as much as 80% of the population will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives.


So what can you do to avoid becoming part of this statistic? Here are our top 5 tips for avoiding lower back pain:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXII: DIE-ts

Diets don't work, simple as that. If there was one that worked, everybody would be doing it.

Anything that villifies an entire nutrient group (fat, carbohydrate, protein), is nothing more than a gimmick which simply tricks you into eating less in the short-term. The problem is two-fold:
1. it's not sustainable

2. you will create nutrient dificiencies.

The only thing that works long-term is making sound choices on a consistent basis.

Eat real food - not food products.

Consume reasonable quantities of said real food.

Rinse. Repeat.

For more on how diets can cause harm, even when short-term weight-loss is achieved, check the following link:

How Dieting Causes Metabolic Syndrome - 180Degree Health

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXVVI: Fat Facts

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXVVI: Fat Facts

This week we'll wrap up coverage of the meal time quiz by discussing question #5 - "Are you including enough healthy fats?"

First, what are health fats? Sometimes it is easier to define what is NOT. Healthy fats, just like all other food sources, are NOT PROCESSED. So butter, lard, beef tallow, coconut oil, etc. are all good choices. Bad choices include industrial seed and vegetable oils: safflower, sunflower, etc.

While we have been told for decades that saturated fats increase risk of heart disease and turn mogwai into gremlins, the fact is no evidence to suggest either is true actually exists. One of the great crimes against the American food supply.

Evidence does exist, however, that replacing those un-processed and natural saturated fats with the aforementioned industrial seed oil high in omega-6 fat content DOES INCREASE ALL DEATH MORTALITY. Check the following link for a recently released study:

Beyond that, sufficient healthy fat intake is necessary for good health. In fact, a healthy brain contains greater than 60% fat. Fat is also essential for maintaining optimal hormone production, healthy skin, hair, joints, and energy.

Bottom line: Don't go out of your way to either avoid or add extra fat to your diet. The amounts found naturally in animal products generally will be enough to maintain healthy function. Todays' information is not license to abitrarily add bacon and butter to every dish.

Bonus Tip: Restaurants most often cook with the aforementioned processed industrial seed oils. Limit eating out, or request your meals be prepared in butter, olive oil, and rendered pork fat to reduce your exposure.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXVV: Veggie Tales

Most nutrition and weight-loss discussions center around what you CAN'T eat, or what you should eat LESS of. Today, we'll discuss what you probably need to eat MORE of - vegetables.

Based on a 3 meal per day plan, aim for 2-3 palm or fist-sized portions per meal. This will take up approximately half to two-thirds of your plate. Salads; or grilled, steam...ed, or sauteed vegetables are all great choices - choose the method you like best to assist with adherence.

Action plan: Simply start eating more vegetables than you are now.

Afterall, how many people have you heard comment that they struggle with their weight because the often eat too many vegetables?!?

Unless of course, you count pizza as a vegetable like the US Government does as part of your children's school lunch program.......