Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XLII: TRAINING vs. 'Working out'

The same exercises. In the same order. Using the same weights. Undergoing this practice, as so many do, should leave no wonder why body composition also remains the same. You get out what you put in.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Getting Away From It All Without Getting Off Your Diet

Guest post by Cole Millen
You have worked hard to lose weight and get fit in time for summer. However, you may find that the vacation you anticipated threatens to sabotage your efforts. Here are some principles to help you maintain a healthy eating plan:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXXI: Wanna lose weight?

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXXI: Wanna lose weight?

No you don't.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXX: NOT So Good Health/Fitness Resources

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXX: NOT So Good Health/Fitness Resources

Up first: mainstream media headlines/articles


As the following article states, "...the media oversimplified things; to the point of not even being accurate. And yes, that’s why most media headlines are not very trustworthy."


This can happen when the writer, having no formal education or experience in the area, simply glances over the abstract instead of reading the entire study. Additionally, sometimes the researchers themselves often misinterpret their own data - an occurrence that happens far more often than most people realize!

As a bonus, the article also explains why, despite popular opinion and practice, cardio is inferior to resistance/strength training when it comes to FAT loss and therefore lies at the BOTTOM of the fat-loss hierarchy we utilize with our clients here at Pittsburgh Kettlebells.

Have a health/fitness related question? Shoot us an email, or stop by and say hello during our Open House Saturday, April 27th from 1:00pm-5:00pm!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pittsburgh Today Live!

Check out our appearance from today's episode of Pittsburgh Today Live!

What do you think....how did Jon and Kristine do for their first time?!?!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXVIV: Nutrition Resources

Last week we gave you some of our top strength training resources, this week we'll shift the focus to nutrition. Without further adieu:

Girth Control - Alan Aragon

Primal Blueprint - Mark Sisson

The Schwarzbein Principle - Diana Schwarzbein

While similar to last week's resources these 3 books may seem very different on the surface - in actuality the principles which guide them all are quite similar. Last week's strength training examples all championed using compound movements and the principle of progressive overload despite the 'tool' being used to accomplish it.

This week, despite the minor differences in application, the bottom line is all three authors advocate:

1. Eating Real Food and NOT "Food Products"
2. Ensuring Adequate Protein Intake
3. Combining #1's & 2 in order to create a REASONABLE caloric deficit

We understand there is a bunch of conflicting and confusing advice out there as it pertains to fitness and nutrition, and that's why at PGH KB it's our mission to teach and educate you how to sift through the BS and look for the similarities as opposed to trivial differences.

As the saying goes: METHODS are many, PRINCIPLES are few.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Free-Tip Tuesday Volume XXXVIII: Strength Training Resources

As we've mentioned before, after practicing sound nutrition principles, resistance/strength training is the most effective and efficent way to chan...ge both how you look AND feel. Mastering your own bodyweight, kettlebells, and free-weights are the 3 main ways to strength train. For those looking to get started, and even those who 'already know what they are doing', the following resources are some of the best in explaining the finer points of performing exercises CORRECTLY.

They also serve as a great head start or introduction before attending your first class at Pittsburgh Kettlebells.

Bodyweight: Convict Conditioning - Paul Wade

Free Weights: Starting Strength - Mark Rippetoe

Kettlebells: Enter The Kettlebell - Pavel Tsatsouline
