Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tangine Tuesday Vol. 1: Moroccan Merguez and Vegetable

Tangine Tuesday Vol. 1: Moroccan Merguez and Vegetable

The word tagine refers to two things:

1. A stew of North African origin containing slow-simmered meat, fish and/or vegetables, typically served over couscous.
2. The cone-shaped earthenware vessel it's cooked in.

The flavor profile of tagine can be complex: Sweet elements like raisins, other dried fruits and honey are frequently incorporated into the savory braise, as well as tartness from green olives. The dish features an array of spices from cinnamon to saffron. The shape of the tagine pot lends itself to a perfect braise — the hot, moist air that accumulates in the upper cone condenses into moisture, which cooks back into the dish.

[SOURCE: FoodRepublic.com]

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 5:

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 5:

As the title implies, you'll need 2 kettlebells (of equal weight) for the following routine.

Guys will use anywhere from 2 16kg's - 2 24kg's, and gals will use any...where from 2 8kg's - 2 16kg's. Start on the low end and adjust from there. Perform each movement back-to-back without setting the bells down.

4 Double-clean and presses OR Double-snatches
4 Anterior Lunges (see video below)
8 Double Rows (perform at the bottom of the lunge before standing up)
8 Spiderman Pushups of KB handles (elevate feet for more of a challenge)

4 Rounds. Perform 2 rounds through doing lunges and spiderman pushups off the same leg set-up, and the following 2 rounds on the opposite.

#KB #Kettlebells #WOW

Friday, February 21, 2014

Merguez Madness Volume 2

On my recent trip to San Diego I was able to source some merguez sausage from my (new) good friend Hanni at the Mid-East Market.

For those not familiar, merguez sausage is a fresh sausage made with lamb, beef, or... a mixture stuffed into a lamb-intestine casing popular in North African cuisine. It is also popular in the Middle East, and Europe, having become particularly popular in France by the closing decades of the twentieth century.

It is heavily spiced with cumin and chili pepper or Harissa, which gives it its characteristic piquancy and red color, as well as other spices such as sumac, fennel, and garlic. (SOURCE: Wiki)

Over the coming weeks I'll be experimenting with various methods of preparing and enjoying this fine delicacy. Next up, another (severe) adaption from the following recipe from Food & Wine which appeals to my new favorite practice of using pears in spicy or sour dishes:



1/2 pound merguez sausage
1 carrot, diced
1/2 onion, diced
1 ripe pear, cored and cut into eighths - I used a Royal Riviera
white wine - for deglazing
1/2 pound prepared spaghetti squash
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
4-6 oz. roasted red peppers, preferably in olive oil and garlic
Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Heat cast-iron pan on medium heat, add merguez and sauté over medium heat until lightly browned. Remove merguez and leave fat in the pan. Add onion and carrot to pan and sauté until soft. Add white wine to deglaze pan.

Add pear and sauté until it begins to brown. Add prepared spaghetti squash, vinegar, and red peppers and stir to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Add merguez back in (cut up if you wish), cover and simmer until sausage is cooked through. Uncover and reduce liquid if necessary/preferred. Serve warm.

Variations: chorizo, red onion, red wine, raisins, and something I forgot about possibly adding to Vol. 1: mushrooms. Once again - go crazy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 4:

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 4:

As the title implies, you'll need 2 kettlebells (of equal weight) for the following routine.

Guys will use anywhere from 2 16kg's - 2 24kg's, and gals will use anywhere from 2 8kg's - 2 16kg's. Start on the low end and adjust from there. Perform each movement back-to-back without setting the bells down.

1. To begin, clean ...your 2 bells into the rack position and press overhead.
2. Perform an overhead carry for 20 seconds - own your rib position!
3. Lower the bells into the rack position and carry for 20 seconds
4. Lower bells to your side and farmer's carry for 20 seconds
5. Perform KB deadlifts for 20 seconds
6. Walk your feet back and perform your choice of push-up/plank variation off the handles for 20 seconds.

Repeat 3x. Progress by increasing the time from 20-25-30 seconds per exercise. Once you can perform all 3 rounds at 30 seconds, increase the weight and start over at 20 seconds, or less if need be.

#wow #KB #kettlebells

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 9 (2/17/14)

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 9

Spending as many hours in the gym as I do on a daily basis, I'm afforded no shortage in sights of things that just make you shake your head. Unfortunately, quite often these sights ...are complete with a fitness 'professional' standing right there supervising the whole ordeal. I've decided the instead of standing silent and shaking my head, it would be better to call attention to said sights in order to educate my peeps.

This Week's 'Winner': "planks"

Chorizo Carbonara

  • 1 pound bulk/loose/casing removed chorizo sausage
  • 1 large red onion - chopped
  • 8-10 cloves of garlic - chopped
  • 8 oz. baby bella/cremini mushrooms quartered
  • 1/3 cup raisins
  • 1 pound prepared spaghetti squash - holler if you need help here
  • 1/3-1/2 C white wine
  • 4 eggs
  • 1-2 C grated parmesan cheese
  • 2t dried cilantro
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • lime wedges for serving
Servings: Russ - 1, Mortals - 4?



Heat large cast iron* skillet or dutch-oven over medium heat, 3 minutes or so.

Add bulk chorizo sausage and break up with wooden spatula. Continue to cook and break up until the fat starts to release, then add garlic, red onion, and mushroom one at a time. Mix thoroughly to coat everything in the chorizo 'juice'.

Continue to cook and stir in order to brown everything. While cooking, combine eggs, parmesan, and cilantro in separate bowl and beat/mix together.

Continue cooking till things start sticking to the bottom/browning, if that doesn't seem to be happening just crank up the heat to med-high. At this point add the raisins and spaghetti squash. Mix thoroughly.

Add white wine to deglaze the bottom and scrape up any browned bits and mix once again.

Pour egg mixture over top and fold in to once again mix thoroughly. Cut off heat as there should be enough in there already to cook the eggs, as overcooked eggs suck. As the saying goes - done in the pan, overcooked on the plate.

Plate and serve with lime wedges.

I plan on going back to this and experimenting with adding eggplant/jalapenos/different cheeses/etc. Probably tweak the spices too - smoked paprika, cumin, cayenne.....lots of options. As always, recipes should just serve as a jump off point.

One quick easy variation would be to switch the chorizo to Italian sweet or hot sausage and the cilantro to basil.

Walmart of all places - at least in Robinson - has decent bulk chorizo on the cheap. It's from Chicago, where once of the largest Hispanic populations in existence resides. I generally source mine from The Westside Market in Cleveland though - family recipe from my source. You may be able to find some decent stuff in the Strip at Parma or Renya Foods.


*Anything large will do, I've just fallen in love with cast iron.

Latest Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Appearance (1/21/14)

My latest appearance in the Post-Gazette. Hey PG, with as many times as a grace your pages per year, how about appointing me as Health & Fitness Editor/Reporter?!?!

It's an opportunity for you to step up your game and offer the same high-quality and up-to-date health & fitness coverage as the New York Times.

Just sayin'.


Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 7 (12/9/13)

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 7

Spending as many hours in the gym as I do on a daily basis, I'm afforded no shortage in sights of things that just make you shake your head. Unfortunately, quite often these sights ...are complete with a fitness 'professional' standing right there supervising the whole ordeal. I've decided the instead of standing silent and shaking my head, it would be better to call attention to said sights in order to educate my peeps.

This Week's 'Winner': CrossFit

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 8 (12/16/13)

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 8

Spending as many hours in the gym as I do on a daily basis, I'm afforded no shortage in sights of things that just make you shake your head. Unfortunately, quite often these sights are complete with a fitness 'professional' standing right there supervising the whole ordeal. I've decided the instead of standing silent and shaking my head, i...t would be better to call attention to said sights in order to educate my peeps.

This Week's 'Winner': Up-right Rows

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 6 (12/2/13)

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 6

Spending as many hours in the gym as I do on a daily basis, I'm afforded no shortage in sights of things that just make you shake your head. Unfortunately, quite often these sights ...are complete with a fitness 'professional' standing right there supervising the whole ordeal. I've decided the instead of standing silent and shaking my head, it would be better to call attention to said sights in order to educate my peeps.

This Week's Winner: Having your orthopedically healthy client - though substantially overweight and weak- stand on a BOSU repeatedly waving a BODYBLADE (it's such a popular item at Wal-Mart that the page won't load as I type this if that gives you any indication how 'useful' one of these might be).

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 5 (11/12/13)

Monday (Fitness)Massacre - Trainers Behaving Badly Vol. 5
Spending as many hours in the gym as I do on a daily basis, I'm afforded no shortage in sights of things that just make you shake your head. Unfortunately, quite often these sights are complete with a fitness 'professional' standing right there supervising the whole ordeal. I've decided the instead of standing silent and shaking my head, i...t would be better to call attention to said sights in order to educate my peeps.

This Week's Winner: (Cutting)cookies is suitable for Christmas, but not for training.

Merguez Madness Volume 1

On my recent trip to San Diego I was able to source some merguez sausage from my (new) good friend Hanni at the Mid-East Market.

For those not familiar, merguez sausage is a fresh sausage made with lamb, beef, or... a mixture stuffed into a lamb-intestine casing popular in North African cuisine. It is also popular in the Middle East, and Europe, having become particularly popular in France by the closing decades of the twentieth century.

It is heavily spiced with cumin and chili pepper or Harissa, which gives it its characteristic piquancy and red color, as well as other spices such as sumac, fennel, and garlic. (SOURCE: Wiki)

Over the coming weeks I'll be experimenting with various methods of preparing and enjoying this fine delicacy. Up first, a (severe) adaption from the following recipe in the NYT:


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 3:

As the title implies, you'll need 2 kettlebells (of equal weight) for the following routine.

Guys will use anywhere from 2 16kg's - 2 24kg's, and gals will use anywhere from 2 8kg's - 2 16kg's. Start on the low end and adjust from there....

"Not enough time" is a frequent excuse given as to why people are unable to train. This week, I put the proverbial nail in that coffin while simultaneously showing you what REAL 'cardio' and 'core' training is.

While not something you'd want to do on a regular basis, give this a try whenever you are really pressed for time, or as a 'finisher' to your regularly planned training session.

WARNING: This is not for the faint of heart.

Post-Gazette 1/12/2014

My latest appearance in the Post-Gazette. Hey PG, with as many times as a grace your pages per year, how about appointing me as Health & Fitness Editor/Reporter?!?!

It's an opportunity for you to step up your game and offer the same high-quality and up-to-date health & fitness coverage as the New York Times.

Just sayin'.

Before the clock even struck midnight on Jan. 1, we had our first obligatory fitness resolution-related article (“Fitter Faster,” Dec. 30). While the article made a few great points — namely the importance of intensity, less is more when it comes to time spent, fancy equipment is unnecessary, etc. — the numerous egregious errors present in the program, and form demonstrated in the pictures within, yet again demonstrates the need for qualified fitness professionals.

Many trainees — particularly the unconditioned ones — lack sufficient mobility and/​or stability to properly perform many of the movements listed. With no regressions suggested, this leaves the door wide open for injury.

Speaking of injury, repeated spinal flexion as demonstrated on No. 4 (abdominal crunches) is precisely how world-renowned back specialist Dr. Stuart McGill states most lower back injuries occur. Similarly, No. 7 (triceps dip) is also a known way to irritate the shoulder through impingement resulting from anterior glide of the humerus in the shoulder socket.

Lastly, the elbows-flared/​scarecrow like posture demonstrated on No. 3 (pushups) places undue stress on the shoulder and surrounding rotator cuff. These are just a few of the common errors I see daily in my practice that I correct to prevent unnecessary pain and injury.

The good news is potential trainees will be glad to know that setting up a successful exercise program is even simpler than the article suggests, as a good number of the exercises are redundant. Truthfully, all a successful and sound bodyweight strength program needs is one hip-hinge, squat, upper-body push and upper-body pull movement each. Just remember it’s still worth investing in a lesson or two from a qualified professional on form/​technique to get the most of your time invested as well as to prevent injury.

Pittsburgh Kettlebells
Ohio Township
The writer is a personal trainer and a certified strength and conditioning specialist.

Exercise Correctly - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 2:

As the title implies, you'll need 2 kettlebells (of equal weight) for the following routine.

Guys will use anywhere from 2 16kg's - 2 24kg's, and gals will use anywhere from 2 8kg's - 2 16kg's. Start on the low end and adjust from there. Perform each movement back-to-back without setting the bells down:

4 'dead' cleans
4 ...1/2 kneeling see-saw or alternating overhead presses
4 reverse lunges
4 double kb bent-over row*
4 sldls's
4 spiderman pushups off the kb handles**

Rest 1-2 minutes

Repeat 4x

Note: split the work equally(2 sets each) when performing the reverse lunges and sldl's

* substitute single-arm supported bent over rows if you are unable to maintain good posture

** substitute walking planks if you are unable to perform spiderman pushups. aim for 4 'steps' per leg

#wow #kettlebells #training #workout

Two-For-Tuesday Double Kettlebell Workout of the Week (W.O.W.) Volume 1:

As the title implies, you'll need 2 kettlebells (of equal weight) for the following routine.

Guys will use anywhere from 2 16kg's - 2 24kg's, and gals will use anywhere from 2 8kg's - 2 16kg's. Start on the low end and adjust from there. Perform each movement back-to-back without setting the bells down:

5 double snatches*
5 double overhead press
5 double front squats
5 double bent over row**
5 push-ups on the bell handles***

Rest 2 minutes. Repeat 5x.


* substitute double swings or cleans if you are unable to snatch
** substitute 1-arm KB rows if you are unable to maintain neutral spine
*** substitute a 20-30s plank off the handles if you are unable to perform a push-up.

#wow #kettlebells #training #workout