Sunday, February 28, 2010 XFINITY and beyond - frustration that is....

Today's post is essentially a rant - otherwise eloquently known as bitching - so if that's not your cup of tea you have been forewarned.

So recently there has been quite the uproar at the fitness facility where I work over the cable TV situation. Totally logical that peoples first and/or largest concern at their gym is whether or not they can watch TV, I know.

Essentially, Comcast decided to 'upgrade' their system without thinking how it would affect their customers and establishing a sufficient technical support staff - you know, business as usual. Therefore for almost 2 weeks we have not had our full allotment of channels available for viewing because it took that long for them to BEGIN technical support for a business account - once again business as usual for Comcast. Deporable business model and customer service, I agree and understand - as I dropped them years ago and never looked back - but.....

And I know I shouldn't be, but I am really amazed at how severely this has turned people's worlds up-side-down. I think I may have even seen a person or two bag their 'workout' for the day because they couldn't watch TV while performing what they refer to as 'cardio'.


You don't think you being induced into a Comcast coma for hours on end in your couch/bed/office is part of the reason you feel the need to come to a gym in the first place? Or is it that your wife/kids/job annoy you so much you just have had to find a new place to piecefully enjoy the latest Sportscenter marathon?

Quite frankly, I'm not sure which of those two purposes your average fitness facility provides these days.

It's been years since I have used a commerical gym - I train at my home these days - but I just never understood the need for TV's there when I did. NEVER once did I have the desire to use one. Or typical 'cardio' equipment for that matter, but that can be a whole 'nother post all in of itself!

Run in place? Do I look like a hamster?

Pedaling furiously on a bike to no where? Ludacris.

Nothing against biking - I bike to work when the weather permits - but it's a real one with TWO wheels. The point is it had a PURPOSE; to get to my destination. Saving on gas and outrageous parking costs doesn't hurt either!

But I went to the gym to TRAIN, not WORKOUT. Take a moment to think about the difference.

Why do you need a TV to get through your 'workout'? Why not focus more on what you are doing and be entertained by bettering your previous efforts? Be entertained by FINALLY seeing changes after 5 years of looking and feeling the same; if not worse? Why not switch things up and get out of your comfort zone?

Take the opportunity to get some QUALITY* instruction on some body weight exercises - or even those scary free-weights. You know, something where the first step is not to sit down.

Learn from that same instruction that you can actually spend LESS time in the gym; and get MORE RESULTS.

Learn a NEW sport. You know, something you could do with a friend/spouse that is actually sustainable - with a PURPOSE that isn't chock full of monotonous boredom.

Take the opportunity to ask a QUALIFIED** professional for guidance on how to eat healthier. Just be sure to ask them if they believe in the lipid hypothesis first as a quack-meter!***

Stop SPENDING your time....

And start INVESTING it!

*Probably NOT the buff-est/fittest looking person on the staff more often than not. Watch them train other people, you can usually tell the ones that are actually paying attention - not just clipboard jockeys.

** Yes I know these people are extremely hard to find; but you certainly aren't going to find them watching Nancy Grace.

*** The correct answer is: "Buwahahahaha! No child, you are safe with me." Or something like that.

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 104

Meal #1

- 7 oz. rottisserie chicken
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 5.5 oz. green beans
- 1 T butter
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 120

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 2 oz. mexican cheese
- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 15 asparagus spears
- 8 oz. tomato
- 20 oz. broccoli
- 1 T butter
- 2 T olive oil
- 2 T coconut oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 171
2 Hour : 156*

* I've only used 4 units of novalin both yesterday and today as compared to the usual 6.

Totals: 2730 kcals

  • Fat: 193g
  • Carb: 122
  • Protein: 146g

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.5
Glucose: 103

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 16 oz. green beans
- 1 T butter
- 2 slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 145

Meal #2

- 14 oz. chicken
- 20 oz. broccoli
- 7 oz. sauteed onion
- 3.5 oz. tomato
- 2 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 7 asparagus spears
- 6 oz. baked red potatoes
- 2 oz. pickles
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 134

Totals: 2700 kcals
  • Fat: 182g
  • Carb: 128g
  • Protein: 159g

Friday, February 26, 2010

Attn: Michelle Obama.....

If Michelle Obama is truly serious about waging a war on obesity, she would do well to read a great post by Richard Nikoley over at Free the Animal (Warning: NSFW...Not Safe For Waist - Food Porn Included!) touching on the deplorable state of the school lunch program in the US; contrasted by that of France.

It is imperative that we reach and teach children to eat REAL food early on in order to interrupt the growing obesity and obesity-related epidemics that have been increasing at such alarming rates. Otherwise, the war on obesity will end up being successful as the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on terror..ahhh you get the point.

"Head Start; No Child Left Behind...Somebody's losing fu**ing ground here!" - G. Carlin

Is it IN you?

Gatorade drops Tiger Woods - Yahoo

Ya know...I really think Gatorade is making a mistake here. Follow me.

One just need look at how Gatorade fueled his performance in all of those ummm....extra-cirricular activities! Any guy would kill for a motor like that, right? Didn't these people go to marketing school? Sex sells people!

That's a more ringing endorsement of Gatorades' effectivness than say.... the effects on walking through a nice park holding a stick(golf); or that guy at your local gym claiming he needs it to "replenish his electrolytes bro" after his exhausting run through your typical Cybex circuit and jaunt on the hamster....errr, I mean treadmill right? Right?

But I digress.

The sooner people realize that Gatorade was not designed for their 'intense' workout at Bally's, the sooner they might actually see progress towards their fitness and health goals.

Put the sugar water down folks; you aren't doing anything to warrant it.

Pistons trainer banishes Nike Hyperize sneakers

Pistons trainer banishes Nike Hyperize sneakers - Yahoo

I got excited when I first saw the title, thinking a high profile NBA strength coach was going to finally expose the silliness that is the modern sneaker. Unfortunately I was disappointed. Let us examine.

"These shoes had taken most of the support out of the sides and it was a lighter shoe. Most basketball shoes weigh between 1.4 and 1.7 pounds."

"These shoes were weighing 0.8 pounds, which was way too light as far as side support. Since we've banned the shoe, knock on wood, we haven't had any ankle sprains."

So. A difference of 9.6-14.4 OUNCES(ounces?) is substantial enough to provide 'support' to a world class athlete often weighing in excess of 200 POUNDS(not ounces) moving and changing direction in multiple planes at full speed? Does anyone really think a shoe 'supports' anything in that situation? If you do, take one of your shoes and bend and pull on the sides of it and take note of how little effort it takes. Not seeing the logic here.

Pistons actually fine members of the team who don't tape their ankles because it has shown to be so effective in preventing injury.

First: Please show me the scientific evidence that illustrates that taping ankles prevents injury; and which type of injury it supposedly prevents. Go ahead; I'll wait.

Second: Those of us in strength and conditioning who have bothered to invest in any continuing education are aware that the ankle is designed for MOBILITY - just as the knee is desinged for STABILITY - and so on in alternating fashion as you move upward through the body. Restricting the MOBILITY of the ankle by taping - and to some degree high-top sneakers - only places further pressure on the knee to become more MOBILE; the opposite of it's function. Anyone see the problem there? Think it may have something to do with the large increase in the dreaded 'high' ankle sprain, ACL injuries, and microfracture surgeries we see today? I do.

Bottom Line: If you train athletes properly with a joint-by-joint approach, they will posess the MOBILITY and STABILITY they require to help prevent injury.

Go barefoot as much as possible, training included. Single-leg training in multiple planes. Train the ankles, hips, and thoracic spine for MOBILITY. Train the knees, lumbar spine, and shoulders for STABILITY.

For further reading on the silliness of sneakers, check out Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 98
Glucose: 90

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1.5 T butter
- 10 oz. green beans
- 2 slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 146

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 2 oz. mexican cheese blend
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 14 asparagus spears
- 1 T butter
- 1 T coconut oil
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

75 min: 131

Meal #3

- 1/2 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 8 oz. tomato
- 20 oz. broccoli
- 1 T butter
- 3 oz. pickles
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 134

Totals: 3100 kcals
  • Fat: 225g
  • Carb: 133g
  • Protein: 154g

Finishing up a Lantus pen tonight so only 7 units instead of 15.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 118

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1 T buter
- 18 oz. green beans
- 2 slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 132

Meal #2

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 8 oz. sauteed onion
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 2 oz. pickles
- 2 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 89

Meal #3

- ~ 12 oz. chicken breast
- ~ 20 oz. cauliflower
- ~ 14 ounces broccoli
- ~ 12 oz. tomato
- ~ 10. oz green beans
- ~ 2 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 111

Totals: 2300 kcals
  • Fat: 104g
  • Carb: 173g
  • Protein: 182g

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 98
Glucose: 144

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 5.5 oz. broccoli
- 11.5 oz. green beans
- 1 T butter
- 2 oz. pickles
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 137

Meal #2

- ~16 oz. scrambled eggs
- 12 sausage links
- ~ 16 oz. broccoli
- ~ 10 oz. cauliflower
- ~ 1 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 127

Totals: 25oo kcals
  • Fat: 178g
  • Carb: 93g
  • Protein: 150g

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 131

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 16 oz. broccoli
- 1 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 124

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 2 oz. parmesan cheese
- 1 T coconut oil
- 1 T oilve oil
- 10 asparagus spears
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 1/4 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 111

Meal #3

- 7 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 8 oz. tomato
- 12 oz. broccoli
- 7 oz. cauliflower
- 1 brussel sprout
- 8 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 140

Meal #4

- 2 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 4 oz. pickles
- 1/4 can coconut milk
- 2 slices proscuitto
- nightly 15 units lantus

Totals: 3500 kcals

  • Fat: 265g
  • Carb: 127g
  • Protein: 174g

Monday, February 22, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.8
Glucose: 140

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 16 oz. broccoli
- 1/2 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 164

Meal #2

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 11 asparagus spears
- 6 oz. baked potatoe
- 1 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 130

Meal #3

- ~ 1/2 lb. hamburger
- 12 oz. broccoli
- 6 oz. tomato
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 9 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

3 Hour: 168

Meal #4

- 2 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 6 oz. tomato
- usual 15 units of lantus

Totals: 3150 kcals

  • Fat: 231g
  • Carb: 140g
  • Protein: 154g

Jillian Michaels et al: Biggest Loser(s) Indeed....

The following article was forwarded to me by a friend this morning. I couldn't agree more; I'm just happy that suedo-trainers like Jillian Michaels are finally being called out for their negligence before they kill someone.

'The Biggest Loser' Has Big Problems... -

"...And indeed, things have. Two patients were hospitalized after collapsing during a one-mile (1.6 km) foot race for the season 8 premiere. This year's season 9 opened with another strenuous challenge in which contestants raced 26.2 miles (42 km) on stationary bikes. Show medical consultant and UCLA professor Rob Huizenga had to drag one protesting contestant off her bike when she was stricken with severe cramps. A second contestant, 526-pound Michael Ventrella, was treated for exhaustion.

...Risks aside, weight-loss experts say that the biggest problem with the Biggest Loser is that extreme methods of dropping pounds are less likely to work in the long run. Several former Biggest Loser contestants have regained some or all of the weight, which doesn't surprise Kushner."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 104

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 16 oz. broccoli
- 1 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 94

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 2 oz. parmesan cheese
- 1 T coconut oil
- 1 T olive oil
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 10 asparagus spears
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 107

Meal #3

- full-rack pork ribs
- 4 oz. broccoli
- 4 oz. green beans
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 140

Meal #4

- 12 oz. sauteed onions
- 1/2 T butter
- 1 package coleman bacon

Totals: 3500kcals
  • Fat: 252g
  • Carb: 143g
  • Protein: 171g

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Big Pharma at it again...


"Avandia was once one of the biggest-selling drugs in the world. Driven in part by a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, sales were $3.2 billion in 2006. But a 2007 study by a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist suggesting that the drug harmed the heart prompted the F.D.A. to issue a warning, and sales plunged. A committee of independent experts found in 2007 that Avandia might increase the risk of heart attack but recommended that it remain on the market, and an F.D.A. oversight board voted 8 to 7 to accept that advice."

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 122

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 16 oz. green beans
- 1 T butter
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 144

Meal #2

- 7 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 1 T butter
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 16 oz. broccoli
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 92

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 12 asparagus spears
- 12 oz. sauteed onion
- 1 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 176 (nightly 15 units lantus)

Totals: 2700
  • Fat: 183g
  • Carb: 134g
  • Protein: 151g

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.8 (warmed thermometer first)
Glucose: 118

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 3 slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 126

Meal #2 (trained briefly prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese
- 1 T coconut oil
- 1 T olive oil
- 1/2 T butter
- 14 asparagus spears
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 149

Meal #3

- 7 oz. rotisserie chicken
- ~24 oz. tomato
- ~27 oz. broccoli
- 2 pieces provolone cheese
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 93

Meal #4

- package coleman bacon

Totals: 3500kcals
  • Fat: 255g
  • Carb: 141g
  • Protein: 181g

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.6
Glucose: 91

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 2 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 150?

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese
- 1/2 T butter
- 2 T olive oil
- 18 asparagus spears
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 80

Meal #3

- 7 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 10 oz. tomato
- 9 oz. cauliflower
- 5 oz. broccoli
- 3 oz. corn
- 3 oz. red potatoes
- 2 slices provolone cheese
- 2 small meatballs w/ sauce
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 174 (corn?)

Totals: 3600 kcals
  • Fat: 261g
  • Carb: 145g
  • Protein: 179g

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 137

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 2 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 1 T butter
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 149

Meal #2

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 20 large aparagus spears
- 2 T oive oil
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 95

Meal #3

- 2 pieces chicken cordon blue
- 12 oz. tomato
- 3 oz. red potatoes
- ~16 oz. cauliflower
- ~12 oz. broccoli
- ~1 oz. green beans
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 145

Totals: 3650 kcals
  • Fat: 245g
  • Carb: 170g
  • Protein: 198g

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.8
Glucose: 84

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 1/4 can coconut milk
- 1 unit novalin

1 Hour: 115

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese
- 18 asparagus spears
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 1/2 T butter
- 2 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 128

Meal #3

- 7 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 1/4 lb. chop steak
- 11 small asparagus spears
- ~6 oz. green beans
- ~7 brussel sprouts
- ~22 oz. broccoli
- ~3 oz. cauliflower
- ~6 oz. red potatoes
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 135

Totals: 3800 kcals
  • Fat: 272g
  • Carb: 176g
  • Protein: 177g

Monday, February 15, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.6
Glucose: 117

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 2.5 slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 131

Meal #2

- 7 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 12 oz. tomato
- 16 oz. broccoli
- 10 cucumber slices
- 8 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 88

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1 package coleman bacon
- 13 large asparagus spears
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 2 T olive oil
- 3 oz. pickles
- 1/4 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 119

Totals: 3650 kcals
  • Fat: 279g
  • Carb: 113g
  • Protein: 181g

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 73

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 12 oz. broccoli
- 1 ear corn on the cob
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 1.5 T butter
- 1 unit novalin

1 Hour: 133

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese blend
- 1 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 6 oz. red poatoes
- 16 large asparagus spears
- 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 101

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 5 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 2 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 18 asparagus spears
- 3 oz. pickles
- 3 oz. sauteed onions
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 127

Totals: 3300 kcals
  • Fat: 258g
  • Carb: 112g
  • Protein: 154g

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.8
Glucose: 122

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 1/4 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 104

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese blend
- 1.5 T butter
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 16 large asparagus spears
- 1/4 can coconut milk
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 128

Meal #3

- 10 oz. sirloin
- ~12 oz. mashed potatoes
- 7 medium asparagus spears
- 2 pats butter
- side salad w/ oil and vinegar dressing
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 133

Daily Totals: 3250 kcals
  • Fat: 232g
  • Carb: 134g
  • Protein: 166g

Friday, February 12, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.5
Glucose: 111

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 101

Meal #2

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 16 large asparagus spears
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- T olive
- T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 102

Meal #3

- 1/2 lb. rotisserie chicken
- ~32 oz. vegetable mix(broc/cauliflower/green beans/spinach/asparagus)
- 2 medium tomatoes
- ~7 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 133

Meal #4

- 4 oz. sauteed onions
- 2.5 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 15 units lantus

Daily Totals: 3650 kcals
  • Fat: 269g
  • Carb: 148g
  • Protein: 176g

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today's Numbers.....

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 133

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 2 thin slices proscuitto
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 108

Meal #2 (trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese blend
- 1 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 16 large asparagus spears
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 62

Meal #3

- 8 oz. salmon
- ~40 oz. green beans*
- 6 oz. baked potato
- ~7 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

* best estimate @ 2.5 plate fulls

1 Hour: 195
2 Hour: 195

Might have pressed my luck with the starches today....

Daily Totals: 3500 kcals
  • Fat: 261g
  • Carb: 168g
  • Protein: 149g

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Today's Numbers.....

Temp: 97.7
Glucose: 101

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. ground beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 12 oz. broccoli
- 1 piece Ezekial Bread
- 2 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 103

Meal #2 (only 2.5 hours later)

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1/4 cup brown rice
- 4 oz. broccoli
- 1/2 T butter
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 156

Meal #3

- 1/2 lb. rotisserie chicken
- 1 medium tomato
- ~7 pats butter
- ~21 oz. cauliflower*
- ~21 oz. broccoli*
- 2 units novalin

* best guesses @ 2 and 3/4 plate fulls.

1 Hour: 124

Daily Totals: 2650 kcals
  • Fat: 160g
  • Carb: 162g
  • Protein: 167g

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.8
Glucose: 101

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 12 large asparagus spears
- 1 T olive oil
- 1 piece Ezekial Bread
- 1/2 T butter
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 103

Meal #2

- 5 sausage patties
- 1/4 cup brown rice
- 1/2 T butter
- 4 oz. broccoli
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 127

Meal #3

- 8 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 5 oz. tomato
- 13 brussel sprouts
- 5 bats butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 129

Meal #4

- 5.5 oz. sauteed onions
- 1 T butter
- 3 oz. pickles
- 2 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 15 units lantus

Daily Totals: 3280 kcals
  • Fat: 250g
  • Carb: 119g
  • Protein: 151g

Monday, February 8, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.5
Glucose: 120

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1/4 cup brown rice
- 4 oz. broccoli
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 208

Meal #2

- 8 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 12 oz. broccoli
- 12 oz. cauliflower
- 5 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 174

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 15 large asparagus spears
- 1 T olive oil
- 3 oz. pickles
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 118

Meal #4

- 4 oz. sauteed onion
- 1 T butter
- 1.5 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 15 units lantus

Daily Totals: 3200 kcals
  • Fat: 243g
  • Carb: 118g
  • Protein: 153g

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.6
Glucose: 125

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 141

Meal #2

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 4 oz. broccoli
- 1/4 cup brown rice
- 1/2 T butter
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 87

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 15 large asparagus spears
- 1 T olive oil
- 1/2 can coconut milk
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 146

Meal #4

- 5 oz. mozzarella cheese
- 3 oz. pickles
- 1 T butter

Daily Totals: 3400 kcals
  • Fat: 281g
  • Carb: 94g
  • Protein: 139g

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.6
Glucose: 178

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1 piece Ezekial Bread
- 2 T butter
- 13 large asparagus spears
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 185

Meal #2

- 4 oz. chicken breast
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1 T butter
- 9 oz. broccoli
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 75

Meal #3

- 4 oz. steak
- 5 large asparagus spears
- 6 oz. baked red potato
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 174

Daily Totals: 3150 kcals
  • Fat: 254g
  • Carb: 98g
  • Protein: 141g

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.6
Glucose: 134

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 13 large asparagus spears
- 1 piece Ezekial Bread
- 1 T butter
- 2 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 180

Meal #2(trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican blend
- 1.5 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 6 oz. red potatoes
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 82

Meal #3

- 8 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 6 oz. baked potato
- 1 can coconut milk
- 7 pats butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 117

Meal #4

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 2 T butter
- 7 units lantus

Daily Totals: 3450 kcals
  • Fat: 279g
  • Carb: 91g
  • Protein: 156g

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.8
Glucose: 160

Meal #1

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 1.75 T butter
- 12 large asparagus spears
- 1 T olive oil
- 1 piece Ezekial Bread
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 182

Meal #2

- 8 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 12 oz. tomato
- 14 brussel sprouts
- 2 cups broccoli
- 1 can coconut milk
- 4 pats butter
- 1.5 units novalin

4.5 Hours: 126

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 6 oz. sauteed onions
- 3 T butter
- 8 oz. broccoli
- 1.5 units novalin

1 Hour: 208(15 units lantus)

Daily Totals: 3000 kcals
  • Fat: 240g
  • Carb: 109g
  • Protein: 146g

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today's Numbers....

Temp: 97.5
Glucose: 168

Meal #1

- 6 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1.25 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 210

Meal #2

- 8 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 12 oz. tomato
- 1 can coconut milk
- 6 pats butter
- 1.5 units novalin

1 Hour: 124

Meal #3(Red Lobster)

- 2.5 oz. salmon
- 2.5 oz. sirloin
- 2 cups broccoli
- 1.75 cup caesar salad
- 1 T oil & vinegar dressing
- 1 cheddar biscuit
- 1.5 units novalin

1 Hour: 156

Meal #4(trained prior)

- ~ 8 oz. grass fed porterhouse*
- 10 oz. broccoli
- 1 teaspoon bacon fat

* My best guess measuring after the fact. Didn't seem like any more meat than the sirloin I had, but the nutrient info on fitday seems really high in comparison? Nutient totals may be slightly overstated as a result.

1 Hour: 205( 15 units lantus)

Daily Totals: 4000kcals
  • Fat: 313g
  • Carb: 101g
  • Protein: 208g

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Your Health: Too much sitting puts the body on idle
Article from yesterday's edition of The USA TODAY; as I sit at my desk typing away. Some of the more interesting tidbits I have highlighted below....

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.8
Glucose: 111

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 3/4 T butter
- 1.5 units novalin

1 Hour: 115

Meal #2(trained prior)

- 3 egg omelet
- 1 oz. mexican cheese blend
- 1.5 T butter
- 6 oz. pan fried potatoes
- 1 oz. onion
- 12 large asparagus spears
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 165

Meal #3

- 8 oz. rotisserie chicken
- 12 oz. tomato
- 1 can coconut milk
- 10 pats butter
- 1.5 units novalin

1 Hour: 101

Daily Totals: 3500kcals
  • Fat: 298g
  • Carb: 84g
  • Protein: 135g

Monday, February 1, 2010

Today's Numbers...

Temp: 97.6
Glucose: 166
Bodyweight: 200 lbs.
BF%: 16.1 (bioimpedance)

Meal #1

- 5 sausage patties
- 1 piece Ezekial Cinn/Raisin Bread
- 1/2 T butter
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 172

11.5 Hours: 100

Meal #2

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provoline cheese
- 21 large asparagus spears
- 12 oz. tomato
- 3/4 cup coconut milk
- 1 T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 1 unit novalin

1 Hour: 111

Meal #3

- 1/4 lb. grass fed beef
- 1 oz. provolone cheese
- 15 oz. broccoli
- 2.5 T butter
- 1 oz. pickles
- 2 units novalin

1 Hour: 156

Daily Totals: 2700 kcals
  • Fat: 221g
  • Carb: 82g
  • Protein: 117g